Marco Farina was a student at the Almo Collegio Borromeo in Pavia and the Institute for Advanced Study (IUSS) of Pavia, graduating with honors in Law in 2012 with a thesis in private law titled “Remedial Profiles of Partial Invalidity.” In 2013, he also earned the IUSS diploma with honors, specializing in Social Sciences, with a thesis on “The Court’s Power to Declare Contractual Nullity Ex Officio: Substantive and Procedural Limits.”

In 2016, he completed his Ph.D. in Civil Law at the University of Genoa with a thesis on “Contractual Autonomy and Preliminary Contracts.” During his doctoral studies, he spent several research periods abroad, including six months as a visiting scholar and grantee at the Max Planck Institute in Hamburg, where he conducted a comparative analysis on his thesis subject.

In 2018, he was a research fellow at the University of Brescia, and from 2019 to 2022, he served as a fixed-term researcher (RTD-A) in Private Law at the Department of Private Law and Legal History at the University of Milan. Since February 2023, he has been a fixed-term researcher (RTD-B) in Private Law at the same department, having obtained national scientific qualification as an Associate Professor. At the University of Milan, he teaches, among other courses, “Notarial Law and Practice” and “Legal Aspects of Generational Transition.”

His academic interests focus primarily on contract law, family law, and inheritance law.

He is a frequent speaker at national and international conferences on civil and commercial law and is a member of the editorial boards of prominent legal journals, including Persona e Mercato, Diritto delle Successioni e della Famiglia, and Rassegna di Diritto Civile.

He is also affiliated with several scholarly associations, such as the Italian Society of Civil Law Scholars, the Italian Civil Lawyers’ Association, and the Italian Association of Notaries and Academics.

Marco Farina has authored numerous scientific publications in national and international journals. His major works include the monograph Preliminary Agreements and Contractual Autonomy (ESI, 2017), which received the 2018 “SISDiC Award for Scientific Excellence,” and, as co-author, the monograph Protection of Minors. Articles 343-389, published in the Scialoja-Branca-Galgano Commentary on the Italian Civil Code (Zanichelli, 2022).

Alongside his academic career, Marco practiced law from 2016 to 2019, and in 2020, he became a notary in the District of Milan, establishing his practice with a main office in Pessano con Bornago and a secondary office in Milan. Since 2024, he has been a notary in Milan.

After a collaboration from 2020 to 2024 with Notary Professor Giuseppe Alberto Rescio, Marco became a founding partner of FM Notai.

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